Outboard Motor: Crucial Repair Tips for Keeping Your Boat on Water

The outboard motor is exposed to harsh conditions during the operation of your boat. As a result, there is accelerated degradation of components. If these parts are left in poor condition, mechanical or electrical failures could occur unexpectedly. Therefore, if you are taking out your boat, you should make time for some repairs. This practice is particularly important if your boat has been in storage. Here are some crucial tips to help you during outboard motor repairs.

Check the Spark Plug

The engine in the outboard motor can fail to start. This problem is quite common, especially during the beginning of a new boating season. This condition can be attributed to the failure of the spark plugs. Therefore, you should check the components before taking the boat out on the water. If the spark plug is no longer functional, you should purchase and install replacements. You can check the condition of the plug with a tester. If you do not have one, you should check for corrosion which indicates the end of the unit lifespan.

Replace Your Impeller

You should replace the water pump impeller in your outboard motor as recommended by the component manufacturer. In general, the impeller is designed to circulate water in the motor so that the engine can remain cool. Therefore, it is essential that the component remains in good condition. If the unit fails, the engine will be more susceptible to overheating problems. The most common cause of impeller failure is corrosion. Therefore, you will need to conduct more replacements for boats used on saltwater.

Flush the Motor

You should flush your outboard motor after each boating trip as part of your basic maintenance work. This process is crucial for boats used on both fresh and marine water. Ideally, you will only need to use your garden hose for this process. Place the hose in the motor unit through which the water is picked during operation. Then, you should start your outboard motor and engage the motor. Allow the water to flow out and until the water exiting is warm to your touch. If the pressure of the water exiting is low, you should stop your motor and check for debris.

Finally, you should check the outboard motor for fuel and water leaks for optimal operation. You should first disconnect or switch off the battery. Then, you can remove the cowl and check out the engine for fuel leaks or general moisture. If there are leaks or other anomalies, consult an outboard motor service technician.
